Self-control in short supply, and patience fleeting. My words short and my tone lacking love - I lash out. At what? A cluttered kitchen, dirty underwear scattered over wood floors, short-attention spans. For what purpose? The appearance of order, of perfection?
For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do-this I keep on doing. For in my inner being I delight in God's law; but I see another law at work in the members of my body, wagging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me for this body of death? - Romans 7:19, 22-24
An internal tug-of-war. The appearance of perfection is not what I strive for. It is the perfection found only in Jesus I long for.
Thanks be to God-through Jesus Christ our Lord!...Therefore, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. - Romans 7:25, 8:1
Jesus doesn't care about my dirty dishes, or messy floors, he loved and welcomed children into his presence - short attention spans and all.
He must increase, but I must decrease - John 3:30
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit let us keep in step with the Spirit. - Galatians 5:22-25
God forgive my actions that do not reflect you. I lay myself down, so you may increase in me. Help me to grow and display the fruit of your Spirit in my life. I take hold of the hope I have in you and in your forgiveness. Thank you for loving me where I am.